Why I make my mental wellness a high priority

I'm celebrating today how much easier it is for me to maintain my mental wellbeing, and how much more committed to it I am than I have ever been.

There are some days when I wake up that I have the feeling that I just cannot be bothered to do my morning meditation exercises and quiet my head. My hijacking thoughts tell me all sorts of lies:

  • you'll be all right without it

  • it's too much effort

  • it takes too much time

  • you have other more important things that need attending to

  • it doesn't really work anyway

There was a time when I would have given in to those messages and the urge to skip a day. I would tell myself "oh just one day won't hurt".

It's absolutely true. Missing one day won't actually hurt me. But what it can end up doing it starting a downward spiral that I have no desire to explore again.

What happens if I skip my meditations and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) morning tapping is that I find myself more easily hijacked by sabotaging thought patterns. It's easier to fall into doubt, fear, and worry - which are never pleasant to experience.

Recently, the urge was quite strong... I almost gave in… and yet I didn't.

I KNOW that when I do some quick and easy meditational exercises, followed by 5-10 minutes of EFT tapping, my whole body and mind relaxes. I strengthen my calmness and ability not to get hijacked by sabotaging thought patterns. They really help me to relax into my creativity without all those negative thoughts buzzing around trying to send me off centre.

They take 15-20 minutes. That's all. Just 15-20 minutes and then another 5 -10 minutes every few hours to keep myself centred.

And you know what... it's totally worth it!

What's valuable to me now is not the panic, fear, worry, and doubt - it's peace, relaxation, quiet head, strength of will, happiness, and appreciating my creative capacities.

I am committed to my mental wellness above anything else, and doing so benefits EVERY area of my life.

How high a priority do you make your mental wellness? If it's not in your top 3 and you'd actually like to have more relaxation and peace in your life, you may want to look at that. Start to build into your day “mental wellness” time. It’s a total honouring of you, it will make it easier to be around other people, and it will create more ease and peace in your life.


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