Comfort zones are not a sin!
There is nothing inherently wrong with having comfort zones. They're so often made out to be bad and wrong.

But I don’t want to be a millionaire!
There is such a prevalent belief in the world that everyone should want to be a millionaire. That it’s something we should all be striving for. That having it will make all our problems vanish and disappear. And… that may be true. And more likely it will not.

Why I make my mental wellness a high priority
There was a time when I would have given in to those messages and the urge to skip a day. I would tell myself "oh just one day won't hurt".
It's absolutely true. Missing one day won't actually hurt me. But what it can end up doing it starting a downward spiral that I have no desire to explore again.

What if changing your life doesn’t have to be that hard?
Comparison can be such a killer when it comes to changing our life. Thinking our life has to look like theirs. Thinking we have to be as good as we've decided they are. Thinking we have to do it like them. Thinking we have to have what they're having exactly as they're having it.