Group EFT - September - Frustration, failure, and forging ahead!


Join me for this month’s second 45-minute Group Session where we’ll be clearing limiting beliefs and points of view around feeling frustrated, disappointment at failure, and how to use that to forge ahead more strong, resilient, and calm .

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Join me for this month’s second 45-minute Group Session where we’ll be clearing limiting beliefs and points of view around feeling frustrated, disappointment at failure, and how to use that to forge ahead more strong, resilient, and calm .

Join me for this month’s second 45-minute Group Session where we’ll be clearing limiting beliefs and points of view around feeling frustrated, disappointment at failure, and how to use that to forge ahead more strong, resilient, and calm .

January EFT - BOTH calls
Tapping into your heartspace
Group EFT - October - I can't stop criticising myself!
50-Minute EFT one-to-one Session
Tapping into choosing, receiving, and having wealth and abundance