Change most often does not happen overnight… it’s a process
This will change my life! Everything will change in an instant. This is the solution I've been looking for. This is the "gamechanger" that will make everything easy overnight!
This is not to say these things are not possible... It's just not always (and often) the case.

Comfort zones are not a sin!
There is nothing inherently wrong with having comfort zones. They're so often made out to be bad and wrong.

But I don’t want to be a millionaire!
There is such a prevalent belief in the world that everyone should want to be a millionaire. That it’s something we should all be striving for. That having it will make all our problems vanish and disappear. And… that may be true. And more likely it will not.

Take your hand off the stove!
I recently heard a metaphor that I really love and encapsulates for me so well what’s required when we find ourselves judging, sabotaging, and generally being unkind to ourselves.
Can you recall a time when you touched something really hot and your immediate response was to stop touching it and move your hand away? You wouldn’t keep your hand on the hot stove because you know a) it will hurt, and b) it will cause damage. Ultimately, if you keep your hand on the pot for too long the damage could be quite significant and life changing.