Embracing Healing: Letting Go of the Urge for Revenge
When it comes to self-healing, one profound thread we often encounter is the yearning for revenge against those who've inflicted pain and suffering upon us. In my work in mental health, therapy, and coaching in my own life and the lives of my clients, I've traversed this, often, tumultuous terrain and emerged and gained a newfound perspective on forgiveness and self-compassio

Are you suffering from burnout?
Life can feel like a constant hustle, and with the ever-increasing demands of our professional and personal lives, it's no surprise that a large number of people are experiencing burnout. Burnout isn’t just about being overly tired….

Why should I make taking care of my mental health a higher priority?
It can be easy to put off taking greater care of your mental health and your mind can come up with all sorts of reasons, excuses, and justifications not to do so:
I'm tired
I don't have time
It's too much effort
It takes too long
I have other more urgent things to do
I would have to sacrifice XXXX
Other things feel more important and essential
etc etc...
To overcome all that avoidance thinking….